For Art classes and workshops in and around Leighton Buzzard


Portrait Tutorial.

There is an introductory video to go with this slide show at

A demonstration of how to create a pastel self-portrait using simple blocks of colour:

Apples 2015:  a short annotated tutorial for pastels:

Green is opposite and complementary to red and makes the reds and oranges seem more intense. Leave some ground showing: let the paper colour do some of the work!

Daylight has a bluish tinge to it, electric light a yellowish. both affect the colours we see. The apples also reflect some of the green from the cloth, as well as the cloth picking up hints of red or orange.

Blending by smudging with fingers or cotton buds creates the effect of a  smooth surface. The sheen of the apple skins is then completed by putting in highlights.

The pastels can be stabilised at any stage during the drawing by spraying evenly with fixative or hairspray – but once “fixed ” will not move again, so cannot be blended any more. This is useful for adding highlights at the end (after fixing), or for protecting a finished picture.

Copyright Joanna Stone 2015.


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